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How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs
Mind Lisa Kern Mind Lisa Kern

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever watched a two year old and been amazed by their confidence? The fearless way they run across the street without any acknowledgment of potential outcomes? The way they incessantly fall down, brush it off and get right back up running full speed ahead like nothing happened? They don’t think for even a fraction of a second, “I’m just not good at running, I think I’ll stop doing it.”

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What is Reiki?
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a holistic healing modality that translates to “universal life energy”. Reiki is best described as a high frequency energy that breaks up energetic blocks in the body to promote balance and harmony in mind, body, and spirit.

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Inner Strength: Reflections from an 8 year old
Personal Lisa Kern Personal Lisa Kern

Inner Strength: Reflections from an 8 year old

Today my 8 year old told me he was transgender. Just like that, matter of fact, cuddled up on the couch as we were talking about our favorite colors. Now don’t get me wrong, this was not a surprise, AT ALL. However, it was the first time that he said it without hesitation in front of his brother and owned it proudly. I was slightly surprised he knew the official name for it, although we had talked about it many times before as he has been questioning his gender since he was 3 years old.

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The Crown Chakra
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, or sahasrāra chakra in Sanskrit, is the seventh chakra in the energy system. This is the last and most spiritual of the chakras and is associated with higher consciousness, inner guidance and oneness with each other and the universe.

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The Third Eye Chakra
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

The Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra, also referred to as Ajna in Sanskrit, is the sixth chakra in the energy system. This chakra is associated with our intuition, inner wisdom and vision. The function of the third eye is driven by the ability to have a greater perspective on life and being open to what may be.

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The Throat Chakra
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

The Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, also referred to as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the fifth chakra in the energy system. This chakra is associated with communication, self expression and telling the truth.

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The Heart Chakra
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, also referred to as Anahata in Sanskrit, is the fourth chakra in the energy system. This chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion and connection to everything we encounter.

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The Solar Plexus Chakra
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, also referred to as Manipura in Sanskrit, is the body’s source of personal power, self esteem and identity. It is the third chakra in the system and its energy element is fire. The color representation is yellow.

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The Sacral Chakra
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, also referred to as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the center of your creativity, sexuality and inspiration.  It is the second chakra in the system and its energy is based on the water element.  The color representation is orange. 

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 The Root Chakra
Spirit Lisa Kern Spirit Lisa Kern

The Root Chakra

The root chakra, also referred to as Muladhara, which translates into Mula meaning “root” and Adhara meaning “base” or “support”, is responsible for your sense of security and safety. It is the first chakra in the system and its energy is based on the Earth element. The color representation is red.

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8 Ways to Improve Your Health by Reducing Toxic Exposure
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

8 Ways to Improve Your Health by Reducing Toxic Exposure

With the new year upon us and everyone setting their resolutions, I have been reflecting on what is really important to me and what I’m looking forward to improving in 2020. The things that topped the list were cleaning up my eating, reducing toxic exposure for myself and family, and spending quality time with those I love.

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A Letter To My Uterus
Personal Lisa Kern Personal Lisa Kern

A Letter To My Uterus

This past month I have gone through every human emotion about having a hysterectomy, but today I feel acceptance and appreciation and there are a few things that I would like to say to my uterus before we part ways.

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5 Steps To A Happier, More Productive Morning
Mind Lisa Kern Mind Lisa Kern

5 Steps To A Happier, More Productive Morning

After years of hitting snooze 17 times in a row and chronically being late for, well, everything.. I can finally say that I am a morning person. It has enhanced my happiness and productivity in so many ways and I want to share with you some tips for taking charge of your day and starting off right.

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What is Occupational Therapy?
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

What is Occupational Therapy?

In celebration of Occupational Therapy Month, I thought this was the perfect time to reflect on our career and share with you exactly what it is that occupational therapists do. Two questions I hear all the time are… are you going to help me find a job? And, Occupational Therapy is the same as Physical Therapy, right? Wrong! So here’s the scoop.

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CBD oil: Simplified
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

CBD oil: Simplified

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the ancient plant Cannabis sativa. Let's demystify this though - cannabis sativa refers to the plant itself - both with and without THC. You are probably familiar with the abbreviation THC, which is the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis. The plant with THC is marijuana. The plant without THC is hemp. More specifically, marijuana contains more than 0.3 percent THC and hemp contains less than 0.3 percent THC. Make sense? Additionally, CBD with over 0.3 percent can only be found in states that have medical marijuana dispensaries or permit adult use legally.

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The 80/20 Rule For Weight Loss
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

The 80/20 Rule For Weight Loss

The 80/20 Rule is a practical approach to clean eating that creates a healthy relationship with food. The goal is to eat delicious food, achieve your health goals and realistically stick to a plan. It’s less of a diet and more of a lifestyle.

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