The Throat Chakra
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The throat chakra, also referred to as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the fifth chakra in the energy system. This chakra is associated with communication, self expression and telling the truth.
So far we have reviewed that the first chakra, the Root, is associated with the earth element and is related to our safety and security. The sacral chakras’ element is water, bringing creativity and flow; while the third chakra (solar plexus) is related to fire in the belly. The heart chakras’ element is air and is a bridge between the lower and upper chakras. As the first spiritual chakra, the throat’s element is sound. The color representation is blue.
Where is it located?
The throat chakra is located in the center of the throat. Each chakra vibrates a particular sense of frequency and energy that impacts certain parts of the body. For the throat chakra, it’s the throat, neck, jaw, thyroid and lymph system.
The throat chakra has a masculine energy and it’s mantra is, “I speak.”
What do throat chakra imbalances look like?
If there is an imbalance in the throat chakra, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms.
Physical imbalances may manifest as a sore throat, laryngitis, swollen glands, tension and pain the the neck and shoulders. It can also show up as difficulties within the thyroid, lymph system and/or problems with the teeth and gums.
Emotionally, one may feel misunderstood, shy and have difficulty expressing themselves. On the other end of the spectrum, one might speak without thinking, dominate the conversation or gossip.
An open and balanced throat chakra allows us to embrace our originality and unapologetically be ourselves free from the judgment of others. The throat chakra is linked closely with the sacral chakra which governs our creativity. In the sacral chakra we create and in the throat chakra we express.
How to Unblock the Throat Chakra
The main idea of opening or unblocking the throat chakra is to grow comfortable using your voice and live with integrity.
Meditation is a great tool for balancing chakras. Envisioning the color blue expanding in the throat center can be energetically cleansing, as well as following a guided meditation specifically designed to open the throat chakra.
A more physical way to ground the heart chakra would be to practice yoga to enhance the mind/body connection. Yoga poses that activate this chakra are shoulder stand, plow pose, fish pose, lion’s pose and neck circles can help to target and open the throat chakra.
Reiki, a holistic modality that addresses energetic imbalances in the body, can also be extremely beneficial in unblocking chakras. It’s also powerful in feeling relaxed and supported.
Aromatherapy and use of essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus and basil are widely believed to benefit this chakra.
Gemstones and crystals can target the throat energy also. Gemstones for this chakra include labradorite, lapis lazuli, turquoise, azurite and blue lace agate.
Additionally, foods the color of the throat chakra like blue-green algae, blueberries, blackberries and borage are significant contributors to the fifth chakra.
Affirmations for the throat chakra include:
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