Shamanic Reiki Sessions

A shamanic Reiki session is a blend of traditional Reiki energy healing and shamanic practices, combining elements from both disciplines to create a unique healing experience. Here are the primary components of a shamanic Reiki session:

1) Preparation and Intention Setting

2) Grounding and Centering

3) Opening a Sacred Safe Space

4) Reiki Healing

5) Shamanic Techniques

Can include meditative journeying, soul retrieval, extraction, and/or meeting your power animal.

6) Integration and Closure

Shamanic Reiki Healing Session (In person)

90 minutes / $140

Located inside the Restorative Wellness Center in Hampden, MA

Distance Shamanic Reiki Sessions

Lisa Kern, Reiki Master, provides distance Shamanic healing sessions for client’s health and well-being worldwide.

Receive a reiki session from the comfort of your home. Lisa will provide you with a Zoom link and instructions for preparation.

A 90-minute session includes chakra analysis, reiki healing, Shamanic journeying and a 2-3 card oracle card pull with intuitive messages.

Distance Shamanic Reiki Healing Session

90 minutes / $140

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Wear comfortable clothing and come with an open mind. It can be helpful to reflect on any specific issues or intentions you have for the session. Avoid heavy meals or stimulants beforehand to ensure a relaxed state.

  • The session typically begins with setting intentions and grounding exercises. The practitioner opens a sacred space, channels Reiki energy, and employs shamanic techniques such as journeying, soul retrieval, or extraction. Sound healing may also be used. The session concludes with integration and closure.

  • Experiences vary, but many people report feeling deeply relaxed, experiencing sensations of warmth or tingling, and sometimes seeing visions or feeling emotional releases. Each session is unique to the individual.

  • Shamanic Reiki can address a wide range of issues, including stress, anxiety, trauma, physical pain, emotional imbalances, and spiritual disconnection. It supports overall well-being and personal growth.

  • While belief can enhance the experience, it is not necessary. The healing energy and shamanic practices work regardless of your belief system, as they interact with your body’s natural energies.

  • Most people experience positive effects such as relaxation and clarity. Occasionally, some may feel temporary discomfort as blocked energies are released. This is a natural part of the healing process and usually resolves quickly.



My Reiki experience with Lisa was just what my heart needed. Lisa shows compassion and empathy as well as a great understanding for her craft. This was my second time using Reiki massage as a healing therapy. I left feeling grounded and ready to use this energy alignment to better myself both physically and mentally. 100% recommended.



Amazing doesn’t even begin to explain my experience with Lisa! I went in not knowing what to expect, having no experience with reiki before this. Lisa provided a very tranquil environment and was able to answer any questions I had once my session was done. The experience is like no other and I could feel energy building from start to finish.


I had exhausted my search for relief from my moderate, constant joint pain due to osteoarthritis, PTSD, and subsequent depression. I can wholeheartedly say that by the end of my session, I felt as though a weight had been lifted off of me. My body felt freer and lighter, my intrusive thoughts reduced, and I had an overall sense of peace that I had not felt in many years.



I was pleasantly surprised with all of the amazing health benefits I experienced even after my session. In short, my body felt lighter, as if emotional and stress baggage was released from my body. I also had amazing workouts after seeing her, better sleep, and I overall felt rejuvenated. I felt as if my body went through a cleanse, which helped all of my emotional, spiritual, and body aches heal. Lisa was spot on with areas in my body that corresponded to areas in my life that were ‘stuck’.