The Heart Chakra
Photo credit: purelyom
The heart chakra, also referred to as Anahata in Sanskrit, is the fourth chakra in the energy system. This chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion and connection to everything we encounter.
So far we have reviewed that the first chakra, the Root, is associated with the earth element and is related to our safety and security. The sacral chakras’ element is water, bringing creativity and flow; while the third chakra (solar plexus) is related to fire in the belly. The heart chakras’ element is air and is a bridge between the lower and upper chakras. It unifies the physical and spiritual energy. The color representation is green.
Where is it located?
The heart chakra is located at the center of the spine at the heart level. Each chakra vibrates a particular sense of frequency and energy that impacts certain parts of the body For the heart chakra, it’s the heart, chest, lungs, arms and hands.
The heart chakra is thought to have a feminine energy and it’s mantra is “I love.”
What do heart chakra imbalances look like?
If there is an imbalance in the heart chakra, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms.
Physical imbalances may manifest as issues related to the heart, lungs, chest, breasts and lymphatic system. When this energy is out of balance, poor circulation, high or low blood pressure and other heart and lung conditions can result.
Emotional imbalances may manifest as co-dependency, jealousy, being overly critical towards yourself or others, feeling brokenhearted, unhappy, lonely, insecure, or unable to receive love.
An open and balanced heart chakra reflects a sense of trust, fearlessness, peace, unconditional love and connectedness. It will govern healthy boundaries, depth in relationships and self love.
When your heart chakra is open, you are quick to forgive and you accept yourself and others.
How to Unblock the Heart Chakra
The main idea of opening or blocking the heart chakra is to open your heart to new experiences and create empathy and compassion.
Meditation is a great tool for balancing chakras. Envisioning the color green expanding in the heart center can be energetically cleansing, as well as following a guided meditation specifically designed to open the heart.
A more physical way to ground the heart chakra would be to practice yoga to enhance the mind/body connection. Yoga poses that activate this chakra are camel pose, bow pose, forward bends and cat pose.
Reiki, a holistic modality that addresses energetic imbalances in the body, can also be extremely beneficial in unblocking chakras. It’s also powerful in feeling relaxed and supported.
Aromatherapy and use of essential oils like ylang ylang, rose, jasmine, pine or rosewood can help to align this chakra.
Gemstones and crystals can target the heart energy also. Gemstones for this chakra include malachite, jade, emerald, green tourmaline and rose quartz.
Additionally, breathwork can be a powerful practice as the heart chakra is associated with the air element. Something as simple as belly breathing for relaxation can bring calm to the heart and remove blocks to this area.
Eating natural, bright green foods can also be effective.
Affirmations for the heart chakra include:
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