The Sacral Chakra
What is the Sacral Chakra?
The sacral chakra, also referred to as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the center of your creativity, sexuality and inspiration. It is the second chakra in the system and its energy is based on the water element. The color representation is orange.
Where is it located?
The sacral chakra is located two inches below your belly button and just above the pelvic region. Each chakra vibrates a particular sense of frequency and energy that impacts certain parts of the body. For the sacral, it’s the lymphatic and circulatory systems, reproductive organs, bladder, kidney, and large intestines.
When you think of the sacral chakra, think of pleasure and passion - both sensually and creatively. The reproductive organs are located here so it makes sense that there is a correlation to sensuality, relationships, emotions and sense of adventure.
Having a feminine energy, the sacral chakra is symbolized by a flower and crescent moon. It’s mantra is “I feel”.
What do Sacral Chakra imbalances look like?
If there is an imbalance in the sacral chakra you may experience physical or emotional symptoms.
Physical imbalances may manifest as problems in the reproductive organs, intense menstrual cramps, urinary tract infections, a significant increase or decrease in sexual interest, and lower back pain. Problems with the kidneys, bladder or adrenal glands can also arise. And it’s a little known fact, but our hips store emotional tension - so that nagging hip pain or sciatica could actually be caused by a block in the second chakra.
Emotional imbalances may manifest as feeling jealous or insecure, fearing change and feeling closed off or emotionally unavailable. Feeling uncomfortable in your own body (low self esteem) or shameful about sex is also common sign of a blocked second chakra.
Since this is the core of creativity, not experiencing new ideas or feeling unimaginative can also be a sign of an unbalanced sacral chakra.
How to Unblock the Sacral Chakra
The main idea of balancing, or unblocking the sacral chakra is to honor and respect your body, maintain a healthy sex life and invite more creative play into your life.
Healing old trauma or sexual shame is a difficult, but good place to start when thinking about balancing this chakra. Just starting with acknowledgement is a step and then seek support as you find appropriate.
Support can come in the form of healing through reiki from a practitioner, other methods of energy healing or even yourself.
Tapping into your artistic side and just using your imagination to create is incredibly healing and freeing. Finding flow and getting lost in a project helps to open this energy system. It also supports being in the present moment which is one of the keys to happiness. But creativity is individual so do what feels fun! Dance, cook, garden, draw, sing, you get it - just do it with the enthusiasm of a child and let go of the outcome.
Since the sacral chakra is right below the belly button, any hip opening movements are healing. Yoga poses such as butterfly, cobra, seated torso circles, and the goddess pose will especially help to get energy flowing.
Crystals and Gemstones can also bring the Sacral chakra back into balance. Gemstones for this chakra include citrine, tigers eye, orange calcite, hematite and amber. Try placing the gemstone just below the belly button on the sacral region while you meditate or just carry them around in your pockets to soak up the good vibes during the day.