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CBD oil: Simplified
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

CBD oil: Simplified

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound found in the ancient plant Cannabis sativa. Let's demystify this though - cannabis sativa refers to the plant itself - both with and without THC. You are probably familiar with the abbreviation THC, which is the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis. The plant with THC is marijuana. The plant without THC is hemp. More specifically, marijuana contains more than 0.3 percent THC and hemp contains less than 0.3 percent THC. Make sense? Additionally, CBD with over 0.3 percent can only be found in states that have medical marijuana dispensaries or permit adult use legally.

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The 80/20 Rule For Weight Loss
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

The 80/20 Rule For Weight Loss

The 80/20 Rule is a practical approach to clean eating that creates a healthy relationship with food. The goal is to eat delicious food, achieve your health goals and realistically stick to a plan. It’s less of a diet and more of a lifestyle.

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Essential Oil Basics
Mind, Body Lisa Kern Mind, Body Lisa Kern

Essential Oil Basics

Use them to support your immune system, emotional regulation, digestive system, headaches and tension, muscle pain, respiratory system, reproductive issues, spiritual growth and so much more!

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Easy Guide to       4-7-8 Breathing
Mind Lisa Kern Mind Lisa Kern

Easy Guide to 4-7-8 Breathing

The 4 - 7 - 8 breathing technique was adopted from the yogic practice of pranayama, meaning “regulation of breath" and was created by Dr. Andrew Weil, a world-renowned Harvard trained doctor with a focus on holistic health. The technique involves breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds and then exhaling for 8 seconds.

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Lisa Kern Lisa Kern

Meditation 101: How to Meditate For Beginners

Are you a meditation skeptic like I was? Or maybe you’ve dabbled but the habit didn’t stick because you weren’t able to quiet your mind long enough to get into that blissful relaxed state? Oh, I hear ya. My practice was at least 3 years of start and stop before something finally clicked.

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Attitude of Gratitude:  Can it Make You Happier?
Mind Lisa Kern Mind Lisa Kern

Attitude of Gratitude: Can it Make You Happier?

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation towards something that you are thankful for. Can it change your life? I think so. There is extensive research that indicates gratitude is highly correlated with well being and life satisfaction. This is because when you focus on positive feelings your brain creates happy emotions which can cancel out feelings of anxiety, worry and comparison.

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Signs and Symptoms of Stroke
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

Signs and Symptoms of Stroke

It’s important to note that not all strokes are created equal. There are 3 types of stroke and each has different warning signs. All strokes have one thing in common: a loss of blood to part of your brain.

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Are you Addicted to Sugar? 10 Tips to Kick The Habit for Good.
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

Are you Addicted to Sugar? 10 Tips to Kick The Habit for Good.

The time has come, I’m finally kicking my sugar habit and I’m taking you on the ride with me. As far back as I can remember, sugar has been part of my life so I knew this break up wasn't going to be easy. Before I made the commitment, naturally I did my research on how to best reduce cravings so I didn’t become a raging, deprived lunatic.

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37 Things I Learned in 37 Years
Personal Lisa Kern Personal Lisa Kern

37 Things I Learned in 37 Years

Earlier this year I turned 37 and for some reason it got me doing a lot of reflecting. I’m not sad at all, actually I feel pretty darn great about it. I’ve been through enough in life to have some hefty realizations, but I haven’t yet hit 40 so I’m not crying and my kids kind of still think I’m cool to hang out with. That’s something to celebrate, isn’t it?

SO here it is, I put together a list of 37 lessons I’ve learned so far. Believe me, I know 37 isn’t the guru of ages. But I don’t want to wait until I’m 80 years old to share some of these lessons. Heck, by then I may not remember them. 40 lessons sounds cooler, but again, why wait? I feel compelled to share now. Here they are, in no particular order:

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Top 6 Foods That Cause Inflammation
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

Top 6 Foods That Cause Inflammation

Let’s talk about inflammation. Not the kind when you twist your ankle after a few too many glasses of wine dancing wildly on the dance floor. I want to talk about the inflammation that lurks in your body after it has worn out its welcome. The kind that gets confused and starts to attack its own cells by mistake.

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Drink the Water. Reap the Benefits.
Body Lisa Kern Body Lisa Kern

Drink the Water. Reap the Benefits.

If you can do nothing else to benefit your health, then drink water. It does so much for your overall well being. Is your energy low? Try drinking more water. Have a headache? Instead of reaching for your next coffee, try an ice cold glass of H20. Struggling to lose weight? Seriously, drink more water! It is literally the easiest form of self care with benefits researched over and over again stating how important it is for our health. Drink the damn water.

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How To Find Happiness During Chaos
Mind Lisa Kern Mind Lisa Kern

How To Find Happiness During Chaos

There is certainly something strange going on in the world right now and there seems to be a paradigm shift happening. With the anxiety and fear based thinking in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I couldn't help but find myself deep in thought about how to find the positive, or at least find a lesson to be learned, about what is going on in our world right now.

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Self Care, Self Love and How to Make ‘You’ a Priority
Mind Lisa Kern Mind Lisa Kern

Self Care, Self Love and How to Make ‘You’ a Priority

Self care is any activity that we intentionally do in order to take care of our emotional, physical or mental health. It seems obvious that we should take care of ourselves first before we are fully capable of taking care of others, however in a life where we are pressed to do more and it feels like there are not enough hours in the day - it’s so easy to neglect our basic needs and push the limits. We are not putting our own oxygen masks on first and it results in anxiety and burnout.

Self care is key to a balanced life. Self care is not an indulgence and we shouldn’t feel bad about it. It’s necessary and we should be disciplined about it.

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