The Root Chakra


What is the Root Chakra?

The root chakra, also referred to as Muladhara, which translates into Mula meaning “root” and Adhara meaning “base” or “support”, is responsible for your sense of security and safety. It is the first chakra in the system and its energy is based on the Earth element. The color representation is red.

Where is it located?

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor and the first three vertebrae. 

It provides the foundation for how we live our life and creates the basis for opening the chakras above it. This chakra is where we ground ourselves into the Earth and anchor our energy into the world.

Think of the Root Chakra as your foundation.  It is the base on which all others can be built on.  If this is not stable and secure, the ‘house’ will not be sturdy. 

Root chakra = survival, security, grounding. 

This can include basic needs like shelter, water, food and safety, but also relates to your emotional needs as well. 

If you are into psychology at all, psychologist Eric Erickson identified the first stage of development as Trust vs. Mistrust. As an infant, if your basic needs were met consistently then you felt safe and secure.  Although, if your caregivers were not reliable and your basic survival needs were not met or you were mistreated, you may find yourself with blockages in your root chakra.  

What do Root Chakra imbalances look like?

If there is an imbalance in the root chakra you may experience physical or emotional symptoms. Physical imbalances may manifest as problems in the colon, with the bladder, with elimination, or with lower back, leg, or feet issues. Emotional imbalances may manifest as fear, anxiety, eating disorders and/or feeling unorganized and unfocused.

For a person with an unbalanced root chakra, they may find it difficult to feel safe in the world and they may frequently view things as a potential risk.

How to Unblock the Root Chakra

The main idea of balancing, opening or unblocking the root chakra is to strengthen your roots and focus on grounding activities.

Grounding reconnects your body to the earth and can include walking barefoot in the grass, spending time in nature, gardening, hiking or cooking healthy foods.

A more physical way to ground the root chakra would be to practice yoga to enhance the mind/body connection. Connecting to the breath while holding a pose helps to release tension and open the root chakra. Poses to support this would be mountain, warrior, goddess and child’s pose.

Reiki, a holistic modality that addresses energetic imbalances in the body, can also be extremely beneficial in unblocking chakras. It’s also powerful in feeling relaxed and supported.

Meditation, or envisioning the color red in the base of the spine is also effective. Red is the color of the root chakra; it symbolizes safety, survival, grounding and nourishment from the Earth energy.

Gemstones can also bring the Root Chakra back in to balance. Gemstones for this chakra include garnet, red jasper, black tourmaline, and bloodstone. Try placing the gemstone on the pelvic region or just below while lying down to help open and align it.

The Other Chakras

Svadhisthana (Sacral)

Manipura (Solar Plexus)

Anahata (Heart)

Vishuddha (Throat)

Ajna (Third Eye)

Sahaswara (Crown)

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The Sacral Chakra


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