Signs You Are a Healer

Have you ever felt an inexplicable urge to help others? Do people often turn to you for comfort and guidance? Do you sometimes feel as though there is a sign on your forehead that makes strangers ask you for advice? If so, you might be a natural healer.

Recognizing these signs can help you understand your calling and guide you toward practices like Reiki that can enhance your healing abilities.

Here are 7 Signs That You Might Be a Healer

People Are Drawn to You

It’s probably not a coincidence that people seek you out to solve all their problems. I’m sure you are right there, ready to lend a listening ear or offer advice and comfort.

This magnetic pull is common among healers, as people can sense your comforting and supporting energy. While you may have brushed it off by saying, “I just have a friendly face”, consider that it’s more likely you emit good energy, and your aura acts like a shining light that can illuminate others’ darkness.

You’re an Empath

Healers often have heightened empathy, feeling deeply connected to the emotions and pain of others. Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of others and sympathize with what they are going through. It's an emotional response that most humans possess. Empaths take things a step further, and instead of just understanding someone's feelings, they feel others’ feelings as their own. 

If you can sense the atmosphere in a room or feel affected by the energies of others, this heightened sensitivity is a key indicator of your healing capacity.

You Have a Strong Intuition

A healer’s intuition is often highly developed. If you regularly experience gut feelings or intuitive insights that guide you or others, this is a clear sign of your healing potential. 

You may also experience frequent coincidences and synchronicities. These meaningful coincidences often seem to guide you toward people, places, and opportunities that are significant for your healing journey or the journeys of those around you. For example, you might think of someone just before they call you, or you might find exactly the right book or resource you need at a pivotal moment.

You Had a Difficult Childhood 

Individuals who have endured trauma or a challenging upbringing often emerge with a profound capacity for healing because their experiences have equipped them with deep empathy and understanding. They have walked through the shadows and, in doing so, have developed a unique sensitivity to the pain and struggles of others, which makes them more relatable.

If you feel your life has been a string of unfair events, it may be a helpful mindset shift to think of it as the Universe preparing you for your purpose. Without undergoing these experiences, you wouldn't have acquired the essential tools and experience to help others heal. 

You Feel Energized By Nature

Many healers feel a deep connection to the earth and the natural world. They see nature as a source of wisdom, strength, and renewal, and spending time outdoors allows them to tap into this connection and draw inspiration from the natural rhythms of life.

I personally feel more grounded in nature, especially after spending a lot of time in overstimulating environments or when I’ve had too much social interaction.

You Experience Vivid Dreams

Healers frequently have vivid or prophetic dreams, offering insights or messages.

If your dreams often feel significant and provide guidance, they could be tapping into your subconscious healing abilities. Consider keeping a dream journal or exploring these more in-depth.

You Feel Like There Must Be More to Life

Do you ever think, “I am so grateful for what I have, and I should be happy, but there MUST be something more than this'’?

You’re not alone! Natural healers often report feeling called to something bigger and are insatiably curious about the vastness of life and what it all means.

For many, this drive to find 'something more' leads them to study various healing modalities and spiritual practices. They might delve into Reiki, acupuncture, herbal medicine, or other alternative therapies, seeking not only to heal others but also to satisfy their own quest for meaning and purpose.

On a personal level, I didn’t know I was a healer. I always felt out of place and overly sensitive, and I often second-guessed my own intuition. However, I was always drawn to helping people and pets.

Since I wasn’t raised around spiritual people and knew nothing about medicine women, Shamans, or ‘healers’, I gravitated to Western medicine. I majored in Health Sciences, graduating with a degree in Occupational Therapy.

It wasn’t until later in life, through health struggles and anxiety attacks, that I began searching for something more. This journey led me to better understand my true path as a healer. If this resonaes, read more about spiritual awakening here.

I Think I’m a Healer, Now What?!

If these signs resonate with you and you nodded your head throughout this blog, it may be time to embrace your healing journey further.

Developing your natural abilities through practices like Reiki can enhance your intuitive skills and enable you to help others more effectively.

If you feel called to deepen your skills, I invite you to join my upcoming Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 courses. These classes provide comprehensive training, personal growth, and the support of a like-minded community.

1:1 and Virtual Classes available upon request


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