Anxiety or Spiritual Awakening?

Have you ever felt like your world has been flipped upside down, questioning everything you once believed to be true? Maybe you’ve been noticing strange coincidences—seeing the same numbers everywhere, feeling like you’re on the edge of something big, but not sure what it is.

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Welcome to the world of spiritual awakening. It’s a beautiful, challenging, transformative process that changes the way you see yourself and the world around you.

You’re not alone if you’ve found yourself drawn to deeper meanings or feel disconnected from parts of your life that once made sense.

This post is for you if you’ve ever wondered why you suddenly feel so different or why your life no longer fits like it used to. Let’s dive into what a spiritual awakening is, the common symptoms that come with it, and the stages you may be going through—along with some personal insights from my own journey.

My Spiritual Awakening: A Story of Synchronicity and Change

When I first experienced my own spiritual awakening, it felt like a whirlwind. Back then, I was struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, but I had no idea they were connected to my spiritual growth. My body was in turmoil, and I didn’t understand why. Looking back, it feels like I went through a kind of spiritual "growing pains."

One of the first signs was seeing repeating numbers—11:11, 3:33, 4:44—all the time. At first, it felt like a coincidence. But soon enough, I started noticing these numbers everywhere: clocks, addresses, even license plates. It felt like I was living in a scene from A Beautiful Mind. I googled it (of course) and discovered they were angel numbers, and that was my first breadcrumb that something was shifting in my consciousness.

Shortly after, I stumbled upon Gabby Bernstein’s book The Universe Has Your Back, and my mind was blown. I was so excited and energized by this new knowledge, yet at the same time, I felt completely alone. Was I the only one going through this weird shift? Was I losing my mind? Turns out, this feeling is completely normal. It’s actually a key part of the awakening process.

What Is a Spiritual Awakening?

A spiritual awakening is a profound shift in consciousness. It’s like seeing the world through a new lens, where everything feels more connected, and you start to question the surface-level reality we’ve all been taught to accept. Often, it starts with a deep sense of dissatisfaction or a feeling that something in your life is out of alignment.

If you’re battling anxiety or unease, it may be your body’s way of signaling that your current life isn’t in line with your true self. It’s like wearing shoes that are too small—they might look fine, but they pinch and hurt with every step. Maybe you’re in a career that looks great on paper, but deep down, you feel uninspired and disconnected. That’s a sign you’re out of alignment.

When you’re out of alignment with your true self, your body, mind, and spirit start to send signals—unease, restlessness, dissatisfaction. This discomfort is often where the awakening begins. And while it can be disorienting, it’s all part of the journey to realigning your life with your true self.

The Stages of Spiritual Awakening

Now that you know what a spiritual awakening is, let’s talk about the stages of this journey. These stages can vary in order and intensity, but they provide a roadmap to help you understand where you are on your path.

1. The Trigger

The first stage is often triggered by a significant event or experience that shakes your foundation. It could be a loss, a traumatic event, or even a sudden moment of clarity. This stage is marked by emotional turmoil and confusion. Many call it the "Dark Night of the Soul," a term Eckhart Tolle describes as “a collapse of the perceived meaning of life.”

In this stage, everything you once believed is shattered, and you’re left questioning your reality. It feels dark, overwhelming, and at times, like you’re losing yourself. But just like a caterpillar in its cocoon, this darkness is necessary for transformation. It’s the beginning of your metamorphosis into something more authentic.

2. Questioning and Isolation

After the chaos of the Dark Night, you enter a phase of questioning. Everything—your beliefs, values, and even your identity—comes under scrutiny. You might feel an insatiable curiosity for all things spiritual or "woo-woo," diving deep into topics like meditation, energy healing, and philosophy.

During this phase, you might also feel the need for isolation. Small talk and shallow conversations become unbearable, and you crave deeper connections. Friends and family may not understand the changes you’re going through, leading to feelings of loneliness. But this time alone allows you to reflect and find your own truth.

3. The Healing Phase

This is where things get real. The healing phase is all about confronting and releasing old wounds, traumas, and emotions that have been buried for years. It’s not easy, but it’s essential. True healing goes beyond just physical health—it delves deep into emotional and spiritual realms.

I went through this myself. When I first started therapy, I felt like I needed a couple of drinks just to open up. It was that uncomfortable. And sometimes, I’d leave therapy feeling worse. But I kept going and eventually found an incredible therapist who introduced me to EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). This technique helped me release deep-seated beliefs of unworthiness that I had carried for years. Healing isn’t easy, but it’s transformative.

The Rest of the Journey

The stages of spiritual awakening don’t stop there. There’s still the discovery of your true self, alignment with your purpose, and eventually, a stage of deeper understanding and peace. But the first steps—recognizing the signs, questioning your reality, and beginning the healing process—are where most people start.

You’re Not Alone in This

If you’re feeling like you’re losing your mind or finding your soul, know that you’re not alone. This journey isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most beautiful experiences you can have. Spiritual awakening is about growth, transformation, and ultimately, finding your true self. So take comfort in knowing that everything you’re feeling is part of a much bigger picture.

If you’re curious about more symtpoms of spiritual awakening or looking for tips to help you along the way, my blog post “Signs and Stages of Awakening” gets a little more in depth.

Whether you’re at the beginning of your awakening or deep in the process, remember—we’re all in this together, learning, growing, and waking up to our true selves.

Where are you in your spiritual journey?  Let me know in the comments. 


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