5 Ways to Manifest Like a Boss

Is there a vacation that you’ve been dreaming about but can’t seem to fathom how you’d pull it off? Or is there a business idea that you’d love to bring to life but you don’t know how you would ever transition from your stable 9-5 job? Bringing your dreams to reality is possible with the right mindset and techniques. 

In this blog post, we will explore the magic of manifestation by breaking it down into five steps.

Before you can create magic and manifest, it’s helpful to understand the science behind it. Manifestation is largely based on the principles of the Law of Attraction, which in a nutshell states that ‘like attracts like’.

Everything that exists in this world is energy. That goes for the chair you are sitting on, your body, your emotions, and even your thoughts. The energy of our thoughts creates our reality. Positive thinking leads to positive actions and outcomes, while negative thinking leads to negative behaviors and results.

How to Manifest: 5 Step Process 

Manifestation Step 1: Set an Intention

It may sound obvious, but the first step to manifesting is getting crystal clear on exactly what you want to achieve or attract. Write down your desires and be as specific as possible. This gives the Universe a clear vision of what to help you create.

When I was manifesting living in a bigger house in a quieter town, I wrote in my journal the exact street that I wanted to live on. I envisioned driving down the street, what my backyard would look like, and my kids riding their bikes with neighborhood friends. I also wrote it in present tense as if it already happened.

Pro step: Write down WHY you want it. For my example, I wanted the safety of a quiet neighborhood and the ability to have my kids play with kids their age. Stating your intention and the why behind it sets the Universal Laws in action.

Manifestation Step 2: Trust the Universe

Once you set your intention, release your attachment to the outcome. Have faith that the Universe will conspire to help you achieve your goals in perfect timing. Avoid micromanaging how your desire will come to fruition.

Read any book on Buddhism and you’ll learn that non-attachment is key; being open-minded and flexible about how your manifestations come to you is just as important.

Even if it feels as though you’re not reaching your goals, you must keep going. Think of manifesting as planting a seed and trying to grow a plant. Would you dig up the seed every day to make sure it was growing? Or would you just trust the process and make sure it had what it needed to thrive? Sunlight and water in this case is equal to your trust and mindset.

Manifesting guru Gabby Bernstein says it best. “Manifesting isn’t about getting; it’s about allowing. As soon as you let go of control you become a magnet for what you desire.”

Manifestation Step 3: Overcome Limiting Beliefs

The third step to manifesting like a boss is to get rid of all the beliefs that are holding you back.

Have you ever said out loud, “I’m terrible with money” or “I’m so uncoordinated, I could never be an athlete”?  These are examples of limiting beliefs.  A thought that you have had on repeat that (falsely) defines you.  

In order to manifest big, audacious goals, you have to master your mindset and not allow those negative thoughts or beliefs to run the show. Thinking you aren’t good enough or smart enough is lowering your vibrational frequency.

Negative thoughts about yourself carry a low vibrational frequency and you can’t attract from this level.

You have to believe you are capable (and worthy) of receiving what you desire. Otherwise, when you land your dream job or get the date, you won’t know how to keep it.

To overcome limiting beliefs, first take note of any negative self-talk and identify the beliefs behind it. Then, replace those beliefs with new, empowering stories that align with your desires. Finally, take action consistent with your new stories to reinforce and manifest positive change.

Many of us have deep seeded limiting beliefs that originated in childhood. It’s important to note that we can’t just manifest our problems away or sprinkle manifesting dust on them. We must reprogram the subconscious mind to be our biggest cheerleader instead of our worst critic.

Sometimes we need therapy and/or coaching to release these blocks and process emotions in a healthy way.

Manifestation Step 4: Act As If

In step one, you got really clear on what you wanted. Now, you have to act like the person that already has those things.

Acting ‘as if’ is one of the Law of Attraction techniques that entails feeling what you want, not just thinking it.

Here’s and example. If I want to attract more money into my bank account, I need to act like I am already wealthy. This may entail looking online for vacation rentals, going into luxury stores without feeling like I don’t belong, or splurging on the better pedicure option at the nail salon.

This doesn’t mean I’m spending money that I don’t have, but has more to do with the language I use around my finances and not having a lack mindset when it comes to money. After all, money is energy too, and can be endlessly replenished!

Ask yourself some questions around why you desire what you desire, and reflect on the emotions you will experience when your goals are achieved. For instance, the feelings I associate with having more money in my bank account are freedom to pursue my passions and peace of mind from financial security. If you are desiring a relationship, the feeling is likely love and connection.

It's similar to the idea of 'fake it till you make it,' but much more powerful. Rather than pretending to be someone you're not, you align yourself with the energy of success by adopting the language and behaviors of wealthy individuals.

Manifestation Step 5: Take Inspired Action

Manifesting IS magic, but it’s not like rubbing a lamp and having a genie grant your wishes. You are required to do the work to make your dreams a reality.

An inspired action is when you have a strong intuitive sense to do something. It will usually excite you (or scare you) but it will take you closer to your goal.

I like to think of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s wise words of, “you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Once you take that first step, the Universe will almost immediately support you and direct you with your next move.

Don’t get so caught up in the rules or what actions to take that you freeze. Put your ego aside, and remind yourself why you want this in the first place. Relentlessly believe in yourself and take that baby step.

Do you want to start a blog? Your inspired action may be googling domain names or writing your first draft. Put your energy into DOING the thing. Buy the course, hire the coach, sign up for the dating app, if, of course, you are inspired to do so.

Inspired actions come from joy and excitement, never from guilt or feeling like you ‘should’ do it.

Real life example: When I was manifesting quitting my job and traveling the world, everything seemed overwhelming and out of reach. First, I got crystal clear on WHY I wanted that experience. The truth was, my marriage was struggling, and I needed more quality time with my kids and my husband. Next, I wrote down my specific goals and timeline. I trusted that if this experience was in alignment for us, then the Universe would have my back and the right opportunities would fall into place. I had already been doing quite a bit of work on uncovering my limiting beliefs so I was aware of my blind spots and kept my mean girl voice in check when the doubts crept in.

The 4th step, ‘Acting as If’ while contemplating quitting my 9-5, was believing that I could take my part time Reiki and Coaching business to a full time thriving business. I put my fears aside, and started showing up like I already had a sold out biz. I knew in my bones that my dream was worth it so I focused on my existing clients, continued creating content, and took a business course to create a growth plan.

Then came time for taking inspired action. After making the decision to fully commit, things fell into place almost instantly. Baby steps yielded massive momentum. Next thing I knew, our house was sold, we were purchasing plane tickets, booking volunteer travel experiences, and enrolling the kids in home school. As overwhelming as much of the planning was, I stayed in a space of gratitude for the opportunity and excitement for all the places we would see. Sometimes my inspired action was simply watching YouTube videos of places we would go.

Dream it


Dream it 〰️

Dream, plan, and visualize what you want YOUR life to look like.

When you are in alignment with what you want and trust that the Universe will deliver, there are no limits to what you can atttact.

With consistent practice, you can reprogram your beliefs and manifest your heart's desires. The key is to stay committed to the process.

Need more support on your journey? Maybe this is your sign to take and inspired action and sign up for HEALING THROUGH THE CHAKRAS, my 8-week transformational program to take you from anxious, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled, to calm, confident, and connected to your purpose. Check it out!


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