Your Safe Space for Healing

Feeling a little stuck or lost? Un-balanced or un-aligned?

I totally get it. And I’ve been there. You want to feel alive, motivated, on-purpose, and in control but something is holding you back, right?

Maybe all you need is a little support. Lucky for you, I’m obsessed with personal development and uncovering the root cause of where these energetic blocks come from.

My coaching philosophy integrates the mind, body, and soul, allowing you to dive deeper and experience profound healing and growth.

You know there is more to life than checking all the boxes and going through the motions. This is for individuals who are ready to find more balance, meaning, and peace in their lives.

We will do things like uncover limiting beliefs, raise your vibration, connect you to your intuition, and implement positive lifestyle habits.

Tools to support your coaching session may include reiki, emotional freedom technique, mindset coaching, chakra analysis, and more!

I will also provide you with relevant resources, PDFs, journal prompts, and exercises along the way.

Are you ready to level up?

Why Holistic Coaching?

1. Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

In case you haven’t noticed, you are not just a body. You are not merely a mind. And yes, you have a spirit. Through mindfulness practices, guided meditations, and energy healing techniques, I help you cultivate awareness and strengthen this connection for greater alignment.

Imagine waking up every morning feeling genuinely excited about the day ahead. You spring out of bed with a clear sense of purpose, knowing exactly what you want to achieve and how to get there. Gone are the days of self-doubt and second-guessing yourself.

Or picture waking up and realizing that the familiar knot of anxiety in your stomach is gone. You feel a calm, steady rhythm in your body, a sense of peace you haven’t felt in a long time. Your breath is deep and even, and your heart beats calmly in your chest.

2. Spiritual Growth

Often the forgotten puzzle piece of many coaching sessions. I’ll help you connect with your intuition, inner wisdom, and higher purpose. Whether through meditation, energy healing modalities like Reiki, or exploring your spiritual beliefs, you’ll be supported on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

How about no longer just going through the motions – every action you take is imbued with intention and meaning. Your body feels energized, your mind is clear, and your spirit is uplifted. How it would feel to be in sync with a higher consciousness? Knowing there’s a constant, quiet guidance that you can tap into, an understanding that you’re part of something bigger than yourself.

3. Lifestyle and Well-being

I’m armed with a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy (the OG Life Coach!), 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training, NLP (fancy words for mindset mastery) Practitioner certificate, and many more specialized trainings because I am obsessed with self-improvement. Holistic coaching isn’t just about sessions; it’s about empowering you to make sustainable lifestyle changes (which happens first at the subconscious level). I provide tools and strategies to improve your sleep, routines, and overall self-care practices. These changes support your long-term well-being and enhance your ability to thrive in all areas of life.

4. Personalized Support

Sessions with me are YOU - centered. Every coaching journey is unique. We tailor our approach to meet your specific needs, challenges, and goals. Whether you’re seeking to overcome limiting beliefs, find clarity in your career, improve relationships, or overcome people pleasing, my personalized guidance and support is designed to empower you to create meaningful and lasting change.

5. Comprehensive Resources

In addition to coaching sessions, you’ll receive comprehensive resources to support your growth. These may include personalized action plans, self-reflection exercises, journal prompts, recommended readings, and access to relevant workshops or events. My goal is to equip you with everything you need to continue your journey beyond our sessions.

Let’s Work Together

  • Do you find yourself dreaming of a different life or wondering if this is it? Day after day, the same chaotic routine- always playing catch up and never enough “me” time?

  • Do you have a feeling deep in your soul that you were meant for something more - but not quite sure how to get there?

  • Do you struggle with self-love, self-compassion, and self-worth?

  • Are you a people pleaser struggling to set boundaries? Always saying yes but really meaning no?

  • Are you your own worst critic and struggle with negative self-talk on repeat in your head?

    Yes?! Then you have come to the right place.

How it works & what’s included:

  • We connect weekly on live calls dedicated to you and your unique goals. (6 weeks or 12 weeks)

  • Email accountability for reaching goals, motivational support, and guidance

  • FREE access to any guided meditations, worksheets/PDFs, and content I create

  • The mind-blowing realization that your body is an incredible vessel capable of self-healing

$111 per session

Perfect for those moments when you need a quick shift or a burst of insight. Whether you're facing a specific challenge or need clarity on a particular issue, this focused session will help you gain the perspective and motivation you need to move forward with confidence.

$777 (6 individual sessions)

Receive a powerful combination of energy healing and individualized coaching through six 60-minute sessions. We reach deep into the subconscious to explore energetic blocks holding you back.

You’ll get crystal clear on your purpose, reprogram your mind to be your biggest cheerleader, and find peace within you that you didn’t know was possible.

$555 (6 group sessions)

Your 6-week journey to self-empowerment and authentic living. This transformative program is designed to help you break free from self-doubt, embrace your true worth, and step confidently into the life you deserve.

Whether you're seeking deeper self-awareness, stronger boundaries, or a more aligned path, Worthy provides the tools, support, and community you need to rewrite your story and thrive with unshakeable confidence.

Are You Ready To Meet Your Empowered Self?

Not sure which package is right for you? Book a free consultation, and we’ll discuss your goals, challenges, and how I can best support you on your journey. This is your chance to ask questions, get a feel for my coaching style, and see if we’re a good fit.

Payment plans are available for all coaching packages*

“You are the expert of your body and health. With your intuition and my knowledge and tools, we will co-create realistic changes to optimize all areas of your life.”

Holistic Therapist and Intuitive Reiki Coach

Hi there! I’m Lisa, and I’m passionate about helping people like you unlock their full potential and live a life of purpose and fulfillment. In case you’re new around here, let me just say – I don’t believe in coincidences. You landed here for a reason, and I’m excited to see where this journey takes us.

Life can sometimes feel overwhelming and confusing, but I truly believe that with the right support and guidance, you can find your way to a more balanced, meaningful, and joyful life. While many people’s goals may be similar, you won’t get a cookie-cutter approach here. I pride myself on individualizing sessions and creating a safe space where you feel seen, heard, and validated. Every journey is unique, and my goal is to provide you with the personalized support and tools you need to thrive.

I understand the struggles you might be facing. I've lived through my own series of unfortunate events, experiencing more trauma in a decade than most do in a lifetime. I am intimately familiar with grief and loss, having lost both of my parents at a young age. I've navigated chronic people-pleasing, debilitating anxiety, and the journey of finding my voice and purpose. However, these experiences have shaped who I am today and ignited my passion for guiding others through their own challenges.

During my journey, I came to understand that healing is an ongoing process. There’s no final destination, no one and done approach. It’s a continuous path, and if you wait to be ‘healed’ before starting to live fully, you’ll miss out on so much sweetness in this lifetime.

So what’s my promise? Helping you uncover the blocks and beliefs that are holding you back so you can live your most ALIVE and ALIGNED life. How do you do that?

You take action, my dear friend. One baby step at a time with the right tools in your toolbox. I did it the hard way - alone - for a long time. Let me save you the trouble.

Let’s align your intentions, goals, and vision for a purpose-filled life.

As a spiritual mentor, Lisa facilitates your healing journey and coaches on lifestyle changes for success in all areas. Just like a lifelong friend, her sessions provide a safe and welcoming space where you can feel heard, validated, and supported.


How are sessions typically structured?

All of my sessions are conducted via Zoom and are 50-minutes long. By the end of the same business day, I include an after-session email with a detailed re-cap and follow up homework or action steps. I will often provide additional resources in the form of workbook pages, guided meditations, or video links that I think would be beneficial.

Do you offer in-person sessions?

While most coaching is able to be online, including a chakra analysis and distance reiki, I am available Monday, Wednesday, and Saturdays to perform in person reiki sessions if this is part of your coaching plan and goals.

Are sessions confidential?

100% always in all ways. The only exception would be if I believe you are at harm to yourself or others.

Do you have any after hour appointments?

Yes. I work Monday evenings and can accommodate schedules as needed if you are enrolled in a coaching program. Please send me an email if you can’t find an day/time that works for you.